The primary reason most Forex traders fail is that they ignore
the process.
In today’s world of quick-fix solutions, drive-thru menus, and
expedient transportation, we want everything NOW. In our “convenient
culture” we have come to expect results right away, putting aside the
principles of online forex trading. “I’ll have a Big Mac, biggy-sized,
with 10 milkshakes, and a vanilla latte!” Instantaneously, our ears
hear the delightful words “Coming right up!”
When you ask for Online Forex Trading success,
do not expect a “coming right up!” response. Online Forex Trading is not a
get-rich-quick method. If you approach it as one, you will almost
inevitably get-poor-quick. Forex Trading involves work, it requires a
process. Let us view The Process of Forex Trading together.
Process is defined as: “A series of actions or steps taken to achieve
an end.” The first step in the process of becoming successful at Online Forex
Trading is to prepare. The preparation I am referring to is financial
preparation, having the financial security to invest money that you can
afford to lose.
Do not invest money that you can not afford to lose. Do not invest
your last $2,000 in hopes of acquiring some much-needed cash for the
bills next month. If you trade with funds that you can not afford to
lose, the emotional pressure of trading will become so immense and
intense that the likelihood of you losing your funds increases
Risking you and your family’s financial welfare is never a wise
decision. If you are currently not in the financial position to
participate in Forex Trading, establish a goal to be financially secure
by this time next year. Therefore, you can be confident in your future
investing and you will value that
investment substantially more than you
would if you had not intently and purposefully worked and planned for
Without the foundation of financial security, your “wealth house” is exceedingly vulnerable to the storms of the Forex market.
Winston Churchill said it best; “He who fails to plan is planning to
fail”. Having a
trading plan is critical to anyone desiring success in
Forex trading. Without a plan, any money you do succeed at acquiring,
you can expect to succeed at losing very quickly.
Your trading plan consists of your trading vision, goals, and
strategy (strategy being your parameters and plans on meeting your goals
to accomplish your vision). It is critical to have these three
essentials in your Forex trading plan. Your vision will keep you going,
even when you fail miserably. Your goals will let you know that you are,
or are not, making progress in regards to your vision. The Forex strategy is what you execute to actually see the trading results.
If you exclude any of these three essentials, your plan is
ineffectual. A vision without a strategy is a fantasy. A goal without
without a vision is insanity (similar to the Fed’s current unlimited
Quantitative Easing).
Now it is time to trade! Step one in trading: open a demo account.
Demo!? I want live!” Be patient my friend, this is a process!
It is now time to perfect your plan with demo trading. Demo trading
can often be viewed as a toy for amateurs, but it is actually a
wonderful Forex trading tool for those serious about developing into
successful Forex traders.
In this stage of the process you will realize the faults with your
plan and tweak them. You can try different plans and compare results.
This stage of demo trading may last for many months, if you are not
profitable trading with a demo account, chances are low that you will be
profitable over the long-term trading a live account.
Now it is time to trade live. Your long awaited day has arrived. It
would be wise to start with a smaller sized account and progress
accordingly. You are now consistently trading your “perfected” strategy
with discipline. Never feel obligated to enter a trade, but when you do,
enter within the boundaries of your Forex trading plan.
One of the most difficult exploits of traders is trading detached
from emotions. This is one reason why trading a demo account is so
critical. By trading a demo account, you can train yourself to not be
ruled by your emotions.
Investors of all kinds are constantly exposed to emotions as they
trade, day traders especially. Emotions are good and obviously
understandable when it comes to money, but letting them rule your Forex
trading is a very dangerous position to be in. You have a choice to
make: let your trades be governed by your Forex trading plan or let your
trades be governed by fear, greed, and other emotions.
As you perform and execute your trading plan on a live account, you
will inevitably find faults. If you notice your plan has stopped
succeeding, don’t panic, it’s okay. You can always back up a step to
“perfect” your plan further. Consistent, strict adherence to your
trading plan ought to always be present in your Forex trading. On the
other hand, flexibility is also an essential, understanding that the
market is ever-changing.
Being the largest market in the world, the Forex market contains
endless opportunities for creating wealth. You are now part of the
remnant of profitable Forex traders. As Forex trading functions as a
stream of income for you and your family, you are now faced with more
choices. Should I add funds to my account? Start a new account?
Diversify? Save all the profit? The opportunities are endless, the hard
work has paid off, and the price of the process was worth it.
Forex trading is not a sophisticated lottery mechanism nor a
get-rich-quick scheme. Please do not let
greed lead you into skipping
steps in the Forex trading process. Good things are worth waiting for.
Persevere through the process. If your Forex trading journey has been
disappointing so far, you are not alone. Get your head up, start the
process from step one and do it the right way. Let’s make 2013 a year
where we follow the process, positioning ourselves for long-term wealth