What I want to do in this post is explore how trade imbalances, in
theory, should be resolved by freely floating currencies.
So let's just say, that at the beginning of our time period — like
we did in the last post
that the exchange rate between the Chinese Yuan and the US dollar is
10 to 1.
So the last time people traded these currencies, they exchanged 10
Yuan for 1 US dollar.
And, when I say "dollar," I'm going to implicitly mean the US
Now, let's think about two entrepreneurs in each of the countries —
or one in each of the countries.
So let's talk about a Chinese entrepreneur.
So we are in China here, and he makes dolls.
He makes dolls. So let me draw one of the dolls.
And in order to profitably sell a doll, he needs to sell them for 10
If he's able to sell for the equivalent of 10 Yuan in the United
and we won't talk a lot about shipping and what currency you'd have
to pay it in, and all of that
then he can pay all of his needs — maybe even the shippers across
the Pacific
maybe their employees are also Chinese, so they want their money in
And obviously, most of the cost would be for manufacturing this
And all of his employees want to be paid in Yuan.
His own rent for the factory, or even his own rent for his own
house, it all has to be paid in Yuan.
So this is what he needs to sell his doll for:10 Yuan.
And at the current exchange rate, that would be 1 US dollar.
Now, let's go across the Pacific.
Let's go to the United States.
And let's say that we have another entrepreneur who is making soda,
or making cola, for export.
So let me draw a can of cola.
And similarly to this guy in China, he needs to sell his product
abroad for the equivalent of a dollar,
so that he can cover shipping costs, and the manufacturing costs,
and the high fructose corn syrup, and all of that.
So needs to sell for 1 US dollar.
And once again, he cares about dollars, because he has to pay his
own mortgage in dollars
his employees need to be paid in dollars — maybe the shippers he
used, they only accept dollars.
So this is how both of these characters think about it.
Now at this current exchange rate, let's say that the demand for
these dolls
that there is demand for 100 dolls in the United States.
This guy is exporting, and so is this guy.
We'll make it very simple.
They're only focused on exports.
So at current exchange, (and I'll do it for both), for the doll guy,
there is demand for 100 dolls in the United States.
So what does that mean?
That means that if he can sell these dolls for 1 dollar — which is
equivalent to 10 Yuan
then there are going to be 100 people in some time period — let's
say it's a year or a month
who are going to be willing to buy the dolls at that price.
And let's say — also at this current exchange rate — in China, 50
people are willing to buy this cola.
So at the current exchange rate, there is demand for 50 cans of cola
in China.
(Obviously, these are ridiculously low numbers, but we're just
dealing with simple numbers to help our thinking.)
And let me write the phrase "at current exchange rate" as well.
So what we're saying is that, in China, he needs to get a dollar.
At the exchange rate, that's 10 Yuan.
So if he were to — at a store in China, or to a distributor in
China, maybe
sell each of these cans for 10 Yuan, there's demand for 50 cans of
cola in China.
Now, what's going to happen here?
I think some of you all might already see that a trade imbalance is
So what's going to happen here?
So this guy, he likes doing this — and this guy likes doing it — so
what's going to happen?
In this time period, this Chinese guy is going to ship over 100
dolls to the United States.
So let me write this down. This is China. This is the US over here.
And what's the US going to do?
Well, the US is going to ship over — essentially
Remember, he's selling this in the United States.
So each 10 Yuan is 1 dollar.
So for each doll, he's going to get 1 dollar.
So he's going to get back 100 dollars for his dolls.
And then, once he gets back 100 dollars for his dolls, he's going to
want to convert them into Yuan.
So then he will try to convert the 100 dollars into yuan.
So this is what'll end up happening for this guy.
And let's say these are the only two people trading between China
and the United States, just to really simplify things.
Now let's think about what happens on the right side over here.
This guy is going to ship 50 cola cans to China.
So we have a cola can right over there — cola.
He is going to ship 50 of them to China from the United States.
And what is he going to get back in return?
Well, it's being sold to Chinese distributors, so they're going to
pay him in Yuan.
So for each can, at the current exchange rate — or at the current
price — he's going to get 10 Yuan.
So when you convert it back, he's going to get 10 Yuan per can.
So 10 Yuan times 50 is 500 Yuan.
500 Yuan is what he's going to get.
And then, he's going to try to convert
Let me write that in a different color, just really for the sake of
So he's going to try to convert — because he has to pay his expenses
in dollars — his 500 Yuan into
Now, what's the exchange rate that he wants to get — his goal?
To cover his costs, he has to get 10 to 1.
So 500 Yuan into 50 dollars.
And let me make it clear: this guy thinks he's going to get 10 Yuan
for every dollar
so he wants to convert his 100 dollars into 1,000 Yuan.
So let me write it here: 1,000 Yuan.
I should have written it over here. 1000 yuan over here.
So what just set up?
If these are the only people trading goods and currency in this time
period, what did we just set up?
Well, clearly, this guy is shipping more value to the US than this
guy is shipping to China.
There's a trade imbalance.
If you think of it in terms of dollars, this guy is shipping 100
dollars worth of goods to the US,
while this guy is only shipping 50 dollars worth of goods to China.
So there's a net trade imbalance of 50 dollars.
China is shipping 50 dollars more to the US then the other way
If you think about it in Yuan, it would be a trade imbalance of 500
And because of that, this guy is trying to convert many more dollars
into Yuan than this guy is trying to convert the other way around.
Notice: there is more demand for Yuan than dollars.
What's going to happen — especially if these are the only two people
If these are the only two people trading, this guy is going to say,
"Hey, I've got 10 Yuan."
"Let me convert it into dollars."
It'll be just like what we saw in the last post.
And, obviously, there'll be more actors here.
But this guy has more stuff to convert than this guy.
In fact, if these were the only two people trading,
he wouldn't even be able to convert all of his currency into Yuan,
because there's only 500 Yuan available on the market.
This guy thinks he should get 1,000 Yuan.
And, obviously, if the price of the Yuan goes up, like we've seen in
the previous post,
maybe there will be more people who want to convert Yuan, maybe
fewer people who'd want to convert dollars.
So we can think about all of those.
But I really want to think about how this will potentially resolve
the trade imbalance.
So we have a situation with more demand for Yuan than dollars.
There's a demand for 1,000 Yuan here, but there's only 500 Yuan
being sold.
Or you could view it the other way.
There's only demand for 50 dollars.
And there's 100 dollars being sold.
Either way there's an imbalance.
So what's going to happen?
Well, you're going to have either — depending on how you want to
view it
you could say that the price of the dollar will go down.
Or you could say that the price of the Yuan will go up.
And the dynamics would be like we saw in the last post.
This guy over here would sell a couple of his Yuan.
And he'd say, "Wow, there's this guy over there who really wants to
buy it."
And then maybe he'll keep saying, "Well, you know what, instead of
giving me a dollar for every 10 of my Yuan,
why don't you give me a dollar for every 9 of my Yuan?"
Or eventually, "Why don't you give me a dollar for every 8 of my
And so he'll keep raising the price of the Yuan.
He'll keep giving fewer and fewer Yuan for each of the dollars. Let's say this goes on for a little bit.
And I really want to explore the trade imbalance.
Let's say at some point — and, obviously, maybe more and more people
come into the market.
So, eventually, it clears.
Because, right now, there isn't enough Yuan for this guy.
But as you can see, the price of the Yuan goes up.
So after all of this, because of this trade imbalance,
because more people want to convert dollars into Yuan than Yuan into
dollars, the currency changes.
So you could imagine — and I'm just going to make up some numbers
here — that the Yuan becomes more expensive.
It was 10 Yuan to the dollar; now maybe it is 8 Yuan to the dollar.
So this is where we get to eventually.
Because of this supply demand imbalance right over here.
8 Yuan to a dollar.
Now, what's the reality over here?
This guy over here needs to sell his dolls for 10 Yuan, which before
was the equivalent of 1 dollar.
But now, how much is he going to sell his Yuan for?
He needs to sell for 10 Yuan.
That's 8 Yuan per dollar. Right?
So let's think about how much his dolls cost.
So his dolls, in the US, now that the Yuan has appreciated, they
were 10 Yuan.
And then, times — we have 1 dollar for every 8 Yuan.
So this is going to be equal to — (The Yuans cancel out.)
This is really just dimensional analysis you might have learned in
So 10 over 8 is what?
That's 1 and 1/4.
This is $1.25. One dollar and 25 cents.
Notice the price of his dolls went up in the United States in terms
of dollars.
And let's think about what happened to the cola manufacturer right
over here.
So his costs — or the price he needs to sell them for — are 1
And now what's the exchange rate?
Let me write it the other way, because I need to cancel out the
We have 8 Yuan for every 1 dollar.
Dollars cancel out. 8 times 1.
His selling price in China will now be 8 Yuan.
So notice, neither of these people changed their prices in terms of
their home currency.
No change in price at all.
But because of the currency movements, because the Yuan became more
the Chinese manufacturer's goods are now more expensive in dollars.
And the American manufacturer's goods are now less expensive in
So what's going to happen?
What's going to happen here?
At a dollar, there was a demand for 100 dolls in the United States.
But now that the price has gone up to $1.25.
now there will only be demand at this higher price for 50 dolls in
the United States.
And let's say this guy over here, before, there was demand for 50
cans of his cola in China
because it was 10 Yuan — but now, the price has gone down.
So now, you can imagine that there is demand — or actually I should
say there's demand for 50 dolls.
And, now, because this guy's price has gone down, now, instead of
demand for 50 cans, maybe there's demand for
and I'll just make up a number — 80 cans.
Maybe there's now demand for 80 cans.
So what just happened to the trade imbalance?
Before, in terms of either currency, we were buying more dolls — if
you think about from the US perspective — and shipping fewer cans of
But now, we're buying fewer dolls, because it's now more expensive
in the United States. and we're shipping more cola.
So I don't even know how this math works; I'm going to let you
figure that out.
But as one currency gets more and more expensive, those exports
the demand for those exports from those countries is going to go
down, like we saw with these dolls.
And on the other side, as the other currency gets cheaper and
cheaper and cheaper,
the demand for those exports will go up; because in other
currencies, it will look cheaper.
And, eventually, you should have some type of trade balance.
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013
What is Forex.
What I want to do in this post is to give you an intuitive sense of how a market for currencies would actually work.
And it's very nonintuitive for a lot of people.
Because we're going to be talking about currencies becoming more expensive or cheaper —
or the price of a currency [becoming more expensive or cheaper] in terms of another one.
And what I just want to do is give you a very intuitive feel for that.
So let's say — just because it's a hot topic right now —
let's just make the two currencies the Chinese renminbi and the U.S. dollar.
And the unit of exchange — and China's a little confusing —
Because sometimes they use the word "renminbi" — sometimes they use the word "Yuan."
The Yuan is the unit of [exchange for] the renminbi.
So let's say right now, if I were to just go on some website — And this is not the actual exchange rate right now. But let's say, right now, the quoted exchange rate is 10 Yuan per U.S. dollar. 10 Yuan is equal to 1 US dollar. And every time I say "dollar" in this video, I'm referring to the US dollar. ( — is equal to 1 US dollar.) I think this makes sense to a lot of people. If I have one dollar, [and] I want to convert it to Yuan, I get 10 of them [Yuan]. If I have 10 Yuan and I want to convert [them] to dollars, someone is going to give me a dollar for [them]. Now let's imagine a situation — (And in the next few videos, I'll construst actual trade imbalances where this would actually happen.) But let's say we live in a reality where there are 1,000 — — so let's say someone has 1,000 Yuan. So let's say that this person right here has 1,000 Yuan — and wants to convert to dollars. Now, let's say, on this side — And if we just superficially looked at this 1000 Yuan — and looked at the quoted rate,we'd say "Hey, that 1000 Yuan — you divide, you get 10 Yuan/dollar, so that should be a hundred dollars, at the quoted rate." Let's say you have two other actors over here. And obvioulsy, this market involves many, many more than just three people.
But this will help us simplify or at least understand, how these exchange rates would work. Let's say that this person right here — let's say that this person right here with the mustache — let's say that this person right over there, and maybe a hat as well — Let's say that he has 50 dollars — he has 100 dollars that he needs to convert to Yuan. Maybe he wants to buy some Chinese goods. Maybe he is a Chinese factory owner who sold his goods in the US for 100 dollars. And now he needs to convert it back to Yuan to pay his employees or pay his own mortgage, or who knows what. And let's say that there's another person — Let's say there's another character over here. And let's say that she also she also has a hundred that needs to be converted into Yuan. So, net-net, what's happening here? What's the total demand to convert Yuan into dollars, and dollars into Yuan? Well, if you look at the whole market, you have $200 that need to be converted into Yuan. So let me write this down.
We have a situation where 200 dollars need to be converted into Yuan. And then, on the other side of that transaction, we have 1000 Yuan that need to be converted into dollars. So, now we have 1,000 Yuan need to be converted into dollars. And for simplicity, these are the only actors. They are representing the entire market. Although, as we know, in currency markets especially, there are thousands — or even millions — of actors actively participating in them. So what's going to happen? All of these people might just go on the Internet, and look up the current exchange rate or the last exchange that occurred — and [say] "Hey, you know what, me over here, this $100, I should be able to convert into a 1000 Yuan." But she also says "I should be able to convert this 100 dollars into a thousand Yuan." So they collectively think that that 200 dollars can be converted into 2000 Yuan. So I'll put this in question marks. So will they be able to convert this into 2000 Yuan? And on this person over here, he's saying, "Well, just at the current exchange rate maybe I'll be able to get for my thousand yuan — maybe I'll get 100 dollars." But everyone wants to maximize the amount of the other currency they get — for obvious reasons.
They want to maximize the amount of money they get. Now. Will these 2 people be able to convert their money into 2000 Yuan? Remember. What I said is that this is the entire market. It's a huge [over]simplification. But there is this imbalance here: more dollars into Yuan than Yuan into dollars. Now, they won't be able to convert into 2,000 Yuan, because there's only 1,000 Yuan that wants to be traded. (There's only 1,000 Yuan that wants to be traded.) So you could imagine, this guy over here, maybe he wants to do it slowly, just to kind of see what the market is like. So, let's say, at first he puts 10 Yuan up — essentially for bid. You could do it either way. You could say that maybe one of these people put a dollar up for bid. And this guy is bidding on that dollar in terms of Yuan. Or this guy is putting Yuan up for bid. And these guys are going to bid on it in terms of dollars. Either one. And that's why it's sometimes confusing with currency. It's because you are buying another currency. But since this guy['s currency] is more in demand.
To simplify things, I'll make him the person that's kind of able to create an auction-type situation — which really is what the markets are trying to do, so that you can equalize supply and demand. So he might put out — he might initially say: "Hey, you know what? I want to convert —" He has 100 Yuan, and he wants to convert it. So he says, "You know what? I'm willing to sell 100 Yuan for $10." So, let's say he sells 100 Yuan for 10 dollars. So he sells 100 — or offers, I should say — offers to sell 100 Yuan for 10 dollars. She just thinks that's a fair offer price, right over there. And that's this guy over here, this guy actually converting yuan into dollars. Well, what's going to happen? Well, one of these people are just going to jump at that. They say, "Oh. You know what? I think that's a fair price." And so, let's say, this woman right over here takes it. Actually both of them, maybe, saw that offer to sell 100 Yuan for 10 dollars. And they both tried to click their mouse, or however they're trying to make the transaction [happen].
But let's say she clicks her mouse a little faster, and she gets the transaction. So let's say — Let's call this Person B, and this is Person A, and this is Person C. So Person B accepts. So two things happened just then. One is, Person C says, "Well, that was pretty fast." "Someone was very willing to take it for 10 yuan per US dollar." And then this guy goes, "Oh my! I need to convert my money into Yuan; but I wasn't able to." "Someone else beat me to the punch!" So this guy over here is like, "Hey, maybe people are willing to give me more dollars per yuan." So, let's say that this guy right over here — this guy in orange — he then offers to sell. Let's say he wants to sell 90 yuan for 10 dollars. Notice. The price of the Yuan has now gone up — or the price of the dollar has now gone down. Either one, those are symmetric statements. They mean the exact same thing. So, all of a sudden, this person has a lot of dollars he needs to convert into Yuan. So he accepts really fast. So, person A accepts. And I'm doing a huge oversimplification. But it gives you the general idea to show you that this really is a market. So Person A accepts.
All of a sudden we have a new quoted exchange rate. All of a sudden we have an exchange rate of — What is this? — 9 Yuan. So we have [a] new quoted rate — or the transaction happens at 9 Yuan per dollar. Now, what's happening? And I think you see the dynamic that is going to happen. There are more dollars that need to be converted into Yuan than Yuan that need to be converted into dollars So, this guy — as he sees that there's a lot of demand to get his 1000 Yuan — he's going to keep offering fewer and fewer Yuan per dollar. Or, these guys are going to start accepting fewer and fewer Yuan for each of their dollars. So, as this happens, the price of the Yuan will go up. Notice: the price of Yuan went up here. It was 10 Yuan per dollar; now it is 9 Yuan per dollar. Or you can say that the price of the dollar has gone down. And this will just keep happening until all of them are able to get rid of their currency.
It's actually dependent. There's no mathematical formula to say what the clearing price is. It's actually dependent on how badly each of these people are willing to transact and really how good they are at gaming each other. But the general results here — and this is what I really want you to get from this video is that because there's no law in a market exchange rate mechanism that says, "This has to be the exchange rate" — we'll explore how you can peg it in the future but there's nothing that says that this has to always be the case. If there's more demand for Yuan than dollars — as we see in this example — the price of the dollar will go down. I'll do this in a — Price of dollar will go down. And then — which is the exact same thing — which means the exact same thing as, "The price of yuan will go up —" I really want you to internalize this. — will go up in terms of dollars. [The] price of dollars, in terms of Yuan, will go down. And this is the crux of foreign exchange. If you can, at least, internalize these ideas and understand that there really is this market out here, based on the supply and demand of Yuan. Over here, the demand for Yuan is exceeding its supply so price will go up, and — Or you can do it the other way. The demand for dollars is below its supply. So, the price will go down. Anyway, I'll let you think about that for a little bit. And in the next video, we're going to apply this concept to see how this freely floating exchange rate can help equalize — or should help equalize — trade imbalances in an ideal world.
So let's say right now, if I were to just go on some website — And this is not the actual exchange rate right now. But let's say, right now, the quoted exchange rate is 10 Yuan per U.S. dollar. 10 Yuan is equal to 1 US dollar. And every time I say "dollar" in this video, I'm referring to the US dollar. ( — is equal to 1 US dollar.) I think this makes sense to a lot of people. If I have one dollar, [and] I want to convert it to Yuan, I get 10 of them [Yuan]. If I have 10 Yuan and I want to convert [them] to dollars, someone is going to give me a dollar for [them]. Now let's imagine a situation — (And in the next few videos, I'll construst actual trade imbalances where this would actually happen.) But let's say we live in a reality where there are 1,000 — — so let's say someone has 1,000 Yuan. So let's say that this person right here has 1,000 Yuan — and wants to convert to dollars. Now, let's say, on this side — And if we just superficially looked at this 1000 Yuan — and looked at the quoted rate,we'd say "Hey, that 1000 Yuan — you divide, you get 10 Yuan/dollar, so that should be a hundred dollars, at the quoted rate." Let's say you have two other actors over here. And obvioulsy, this market involves many, many more than just three people.
But this will help us simplify or at least understand, how these exchange rates would work. Let's say that this person right here — let's say that this person right here with the mustache — let's say that this person right over there, and maybe a hat as well — Let's say that he has 50 dollars — he has 100 dollars that he needs to convert to Yuan. Maybe he wants to buy some Chinese goods. Maybe he is a Chinese factory owner who sold his goods in the US for 100 dollars. And now he needs to convert it back to Yuan to pay his employees or pay his own mortgage, or who knows what. And let's say that there's another person — Let's say there's another character over here. And let's say that she also she also has a hundred that needs to be converted into Yuan. So, net-net, what's happening here? What's the total demand to convert Yuan into dollars, and dollars into Yuan? Well, if you look at the whole market, you have $200 that need to be converted into Yuan. So let me write this down.
We have a situation where 200 dollars need to be converted into Yuan. And then, on the other side of that transaction, we have 1000 Yuan that need to be converted into dollars. So, now we have 1,000 Yuan need to be converted into dollars. And for simplicity, these are the only actors. They are representing the entire market. Although, as we know, in currency markets especially, there are thousands — or even millions — of actors actively participating in them. So what's going to happen? All of these people might just go on the Internet, and look up the current exchange rate or the last exchange that occurred — and [say] "Hey, you know what, me over here, this $100, I should be able to convert into a 1000 Yuan." But she also says "I should be able to convert this 100 dollars into a thousand Yuan." So they collectively think that that 200 dollars can be converted into 2000 Yuan. So I'll put this in question marks. So will they be able to convert this into 2000 Yuan? And on this person over here, he's saying, "Well, just at the current exchange rate maybe I'll be able to get for my thousand yuan — maybe I'll get 100 dollars." But everyone wants to maximize the amount of the other currency they get — for obvious reasons.
They want to maximize the amount of money they get. Now. Will these 2 people be able to convert their money into 2000 Yuan? Remember. What I said is that this is the entire market. It's a huge [over]simplification. But there is this imbalance here: more dollars into Yuan than Yuan into dollars. Now, they won't be able to convert into 2,000 Yuan, because there's only 1,000 Yuan that wants to be traded. (There's only 1,000 Yuan that wants to be traded.) So you could imagine, this guy over here, maybe he wants to do it slowly, just to kind of see what the market is like. So, let's say, at first he puts 10 Yuan up — essentially for bid. You could do it either way. You could say that maybe one of these people put a dollar up for bid. And this guy is bidding on that dollar in terms of Yuan. Or this guy is putting Yuan up for bid. And these guys are going to bid on it in terms of dollars. Either one. And that's why it's sometimes confusing with currency. It's because you are buying another currency. But since this guy['s currency] is more in demand.
To simplify things, I'll make him the person that's kind of able to create an auction-type situation — which really is what the markets are trying to do, so that you can equalize supply and demand. So he might put out — he might initially say: "Hey, you know what? I want to convert —" He has 100 Yuan, and he wants to convert it. So he says, "You know what? I'm willing to sell 100 Yuan for $10." So, let's say he sells 100 Yuan for 10 dollars. So he sells 100 — or offers, I should say — offers to sell 100 Yuan for 10 dollars. She just thinks that's a fair offer price, right over there. And that's this guy over here, this guy actually converting yuan into dollars. Well, what's going to happen? Well, one of these people are just going to jump at that. They say, "Oh. You know what? I think that's a fair price." And so, let's say, this woman right over here takes it. Actually both of them, maybe, saw that offer to sell 100 Yuan for 10 dollars. And they both tried to click their mouse, or however they're trying to make the transaction [happen].
But let's say she clicks her mouse a little faster, and she gets the transaction. So let's say — Let's call this Person B, and this is Person A, and this is Person C. So Person B accepts. So two things happened just then. One is, Person C says, "Well, that was pretty fast." "Someone was very willing to take it for 10 yuan per US dollar." And then this guy goes, "Oh my! I need to convert my money into Yuan; but I wasn't able to." "Someone else beat me to the punch!" So this guy over here is like, "Hey, maybe people are willing to give me more dollars per yuan." So, let's say that this guy right over here — this guy in orange — he then offers to sell. Let's say he wants to sell 90 yuan for 10 dollars. Notice. The price of the Yuan has now gone up — or the price of the dollar has now gone down. Either one, those are symmetric statements. They mean the exact same thing. So, all of a sudden, this person has a lot of dollars he needs to convert into Yuan. So he accepts really fast. So, person A accepts. And I'm doing a huge oversimplification. But it gives you the general idea to show you that this really is a market. So Person A accepts.
All of a sudden we have a new quoted exchange rate. All of a sudden we have an exchange rate of — What is this? — 9 Yuan. So we have [a] new quoted rate — or the transaction happens at 9 Yuan per dollar. Now, what's happening? And I think you see the dynamic that is going to happen. There are more dollars that need to be converted into Yuan than Yuan that need to be converted into dollars So, this guy — as he sees that there's a lot of demand to get his 1000 Yuan — he's going to keep offering fewer and fewer Yuan per dollar. Or, these guys are going to start accepting fewer and fewer Yuan for each of their dollars. So, as this happens, the price of the Yuan will go up. Notice: the price of Yuan went up here. It was 10 Yuan per dollar; now it is 9 Yuan per dollar. Or you can say that the price of the dollar has gone down. And this will just keep happening until all of them are able to get rid of their currency.
It's actually dependent. There's no mathematical formula to say what the clearing price is. It's actually dependent on how badly each of these people are willing to transact and really how good they are at gaming each other. But the general results here — and this is what I really want you to get from this video is that because there's no law in a market exchange rate mechanism that says, "This has to be the exchange rate" — we'll explore how you can peg it in the future but there's nothing that says that this has to always be the case. If there's more demand for Yuan than dollars — as we see in this example — the price of the dollar will go down. I'll do this in a — Price of dollar will go down. And then — which is the exact same thing — which means the exact same thing as, "The price of yuan will go up —" I really want you to internalize this. — will go up in terms of dollars. [The] price of dollars, in terms of Yuan, will go down. And this is the crux of foreign exchange. If you can, at least, internalize these ideas and understand that there really is this market out here, based on the supply and demand of Yuan. Over here, the demand for Yuan is exceeding its supply so price will go up, and — Or you can do it the other way. The demand for dollars is below its supply. So, the price will go down. Anyway, I'll let you think about that for a little bit. And in the next video, we're going to apply this concept to see how this freely floating exchange rate can help equalize — or should help equalize — trade imbalances in an ideal world.
Currency Effect on Trade
Monday, July 29, 2013
Online forex trading – Doji
by Kunle Adeyeri
The Japanese invented the candlesticks
and started using it in trading rice as far back as the 17th century.
Today, the Japanese candlesticks have been adapted by the Western world
in the world of online trading. Even though there are other chart graphs
such as bar and line, the candlesticks give better visual and graphical
A trader,like me, who mostly trades bare
with the candlestick analysis still marvels at the Japs invention. I
say this because the understanding of candlestick charting and analysis
in technical trading solves over 70 per cent, if not more.
One of such inventions of these
candlesticks world is the Doji. Doji can be likened as most authors have
written to a tug of war where both sides at the end pull the rope but
no one could overpower the other resulting in a stalemate. Hence its
significance in trading.
Doji represents indecision and weakening
of a trend and sends a warning signal to a trader who knows how to
interprete it. A typical candlestick in forex trading has an opening
price (O), High(H) Low (L) and Closing price (C). The relationship
between the opening and closing is crucial to determining what is going
on in the market.
In case of Doji the opening and closing
price are virtually equal. Doji are important candlesticks that provide
information on their own and as components of in a number of important
patterns. Doji form when a currency pair open and close are virtually
equal. The length of the upper and lower shadows can vary and the
resulting candlestick looks like a cross, inverted cross or plus sign.
Alone, doji are neutral patterns. Any bullish or bearish bias is based
on preceding price action and future confirmation. The word “Doji”
refers to both the singular and plural form.
Ideally, but not necessarily, the open
and close should be equal. While a doji with an equal open and close
would be considered more robust, it is more important to capture the
essence of the candlestick. As earlier said Doji convey a sense of
indecision or tug-of-war between buyers and sellers. Prices move above
and below the opening level during the session, but close at or near the
opening level. The result is a standoff. Neither bulls nor bears were
able to gain control and a turning point could be developing.
Determining the robustness of the doji
will depend on the price, recent volatility, and previous candlesticks.
Relative to previous candlesticks, the doji should have a very small
body that appears as a thin line. A doji that forms among other
candlesticks with small real bodies would not be considered important.
However, a doji that forms among candlesticks with long real bodies
would be deemed significant.
The relevance of a doji depends on the
preceding trend or preceding candlesticks. After an advance, or long
white candlestick, a doji signals that the buying pressure is starting
to weaken. After a decline, or long black candlestick, a doji signals
that selling pressure is starting to diminish. Doji indicate that the
forces of supply and demand are becoming more evenly matched and a
change in trend may be near. Doji alone are not enough to mark a
reversal and further confirmation may be warranted.
After an advance or long white
candlestick, a doji signals that buying pressure may be diminishing and
the uptrend could be nearing an end. Whereas a security can decline
simply from a lack of buyers, continued buying pressure is required to
sustain an uptrend. Therefore, a doji may be more significant after an
uptrend or long white candlestick. Even after the doji forms, further
downside is required for bearish confirmation. This may come as a gap
down, long black candlestick, or decline below the long white
candlestick’s open. After a long white candlestick and doji, traders
should be on the alert for a potential evening doji star.
I will summarise the types of doji
available as minus sign (-), plus sign (+), inverted cross, T-shape
(dragon fly doji), inverted T (gravestone doji). It has been said that
the prior trend is crucial but in my practical application of doji to
trading the periodicity and the range(maybe daily) matter. I also
consider the minus sign as the most potent or robust of all for example
say EUR/USD : O =1.3320, H =1.3320, L =1.3320, C =1.3320). The higher
the time frame (periodicity) the more robust the weakness and also the
higher the reversal will be.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
FAQ on Forex Trading and Forex Trading Signal Service
Linda Wilkinson
Surely, there are a lot more questions than those listed above. However, asking too many questions will not get you anywhere. So instead of asking questions you can use that energy in learning how to do this business properly reliable forex trading signal service. Ultimately only the doers will succeed in any business. So remove the doubt, give yourself a chance and take action forex trading signal service for homemaker because you have the potential to succeed in the trading world.
People tend to have many questions when they are presented with
something new, especially when it is related to their money. The
following are questions that homemakers frequently ask regarding forex
trading and forex trading signal service:
Q1: Is forex trading safe?
A1: Trading forex is of course safe. The reason is because today more and more country regulates forex market and they enforce strict rules that every forex broker must follow. As a result, we find that only the good brokers stay in the forex trading industry. On a personal level though, it is up to you to determine the safety of your account. If you trade recklessly then you will find that your capital will drain rapidly. Sometimes it is faster to lose money in forex trading than in casino. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself mentally and acquire lots and lots of knowledge or you can choose to go with hiring a good profitable trader and subscribe to his trading signal service. The latter is by far the faster, easier way to trade forex if you have limited or no knowledge about forex at all.
Q2: Can a homemaker succeed in forex trading?
A2: Of course, you can succeed in forex trading just like other trader. Everyone who trades forex have the same opportunity. In fact, homemakers have more potential to succeed because they have the most flexible schedule and needless to say, they have more time at their disposal than any other newcomer in forex trading. Homemakers usually develop the ability to do multitasking and this is the number one reason they can manage hectic days without a hitch. And actually, people can multitask forex trading if only they know how to do it. First of all, they need to find a genuine forex trading signal service and subscribe to it. Second, just do the things they usually do day in day out. Homemakers don't answer to any boss so they can use their time in any way they want and do the tasks however they want as long as the finish the tasks. This is why homemakers have the most potential to succeed if they know how to manage their abundant time.
Q3: Do I need to have experience in international finance to start trading forex?
A3: If you decided to trade forex with your own might then you need to go through the learning curve. However, if you join a trading signal service you don't need to have any experience in trading at all. This is why assisted trading is deemed the easiest way to participate in the forex market. Assisted trading is a term used to describe trading using the assistance of a trading signal service.
Q4: Can someone who only graduates from high school trade forex?
A4: This answer is of course, yes. All you need to do is to find good trader who consistently profit from the market and pay him to let you know what currency pair to trade, when to enter the market and when to exit. If you are humble enough to let someone professional help you then you are fine.
Q5: What do I need to become successful in forex trading?
A5: You need to have a strong commitment, willingness to learn things and diligently update your knowledge or information. Most people fail because they don't have a strong commitment from the start. Also, many people just don't have the right kind of information or knowledge.
Q6: Do I need to have a high-tech computer?
A6: Absolutely not. You don't need to have a computer that look like Star Trek or any other alien spaceship. A computer with 512 RAM, Pentium 4 2.67 Ghz, 80 Gb hard disk drive and windows xp is enough for you to be able to trade forex. However you need to know that it is important not to open multiple programs that consume a lot of resources from your computer or heavy program while you are trading forex. In nature, forex software such as Meta Trader 4 (commonly abbreviated as MT4) is very light and does not require computer with high specification.
Q7: Do I need to have a high-speed internet to trade forex?
A7: Well, it depends on what you mean by high-speed. Generally, an internet connection with 512 Kbps or more is already enough. It doesn't really matter whether your subscription is DSL or cable. However, you need at least 1 Mbps if you want to incorporate scalping method in your trading because some scalping methods require you to trade using a time frame lower than 1 minute. Moreover, scalpers usually trade during active trading hours (session overlaps or session open). Nonetheless, scalping is not a trading method anyone can use. Also, it is important to note that while trading using wi-fi is not prohibited it is far safer to trade using wired internet connection. The reason is because internet connection loss is rare if you are plugged with a cable rather than using wireless connection.
Q8: What is the best forex broker out there?
A8: Most of today's brokers are good because of the increasing number of regulations that swept the forex trading industry. The list is long but there are paths that you can follow to determine which broker is the best for you. You can choose to use a forex broker that has a presence in your own country because this will reduce the cost of transferring fund to and from your trading account. You can choose to use a broker outside of your country if you are looking for features that your domestic broker doesn't have such as higher leverage or the ability to hedge or trade CFDs. Lastly, you can choose to use a forex broker based on the spread they offer. For whatever trading conditions that you require in a forex broker you will most likely find the broker that will suit your need.
Q9: How much money do I need to have to start trading forex?
A9: The first thing you need to remember is forex trading is a business and as with any other business it requires a good business plan and enough capital to start. You have to keep reality in check and don't expect to enter the business with $250 and turn it to $1 million in a year. Sure, there are people who can make it but certainly not everyone. Generally, a sum of $10,000 is good to start with but many people usually start with as little as $5,000. 10% monthly return on a $10,000 account is $1,000 and it is $500 on a $5,000 account. Of course, with a solid trading plan, a good forex trading signal has the potential to drive more than 10% per month. However, consistency is what you should seek. If you can make 10% per month consistently you will see that your money will grow to a staggering $309,126.81 in 3 years. That's a growth of 3,091%. so as you can see, 10% is actually great over a span of 3 years. Stick to the goal of 10% per month and you'll reap the benefit in no time.
Q10: What is the best way to trade forex?
A10: To be brutally honest, the best way to trade forex is by subscribing to a forex trading signal service. Why? The reason is you still have full control of the account but you don't really need to do the entire task needed to be done in trading. This solution is the best because it is practical especially if you are new to forex trading and know little or nothing about forex trading. When you have more experience you can trade by yourself and in the long run, this is the best way to trade forex. However, it will take time to learn the ropes and build your confidence and gain experience. Moreover, you need to consider the costs that will incur by buying trading literatures. Overall, your costs will include time, effort and money. So the wise decision to make is to subscribe to a forex trading signal service first and learn how to trade forex properly at the same time.
Q11: How does a forex trading signal service works?
A11: The first step is you need to find the service provider that you believe can deliver strong and accurate trading signal. After that, you pay the fee upfront so you can use their service for the next 30 days. The next step is to get familiar with their service and choose the method of delivery for the trading signals. They will then alert you when a good trading opportunity surfaced. Finally, you need to enter the orders exactly as they send and you can stay away from your computer. You will be alerted if the market situation changes so you will be able to protect your profit or even maximize your profit.
Q12: How much time do I need to set aside everyday to trade forex?
A12: You don't really need to set that much time to trade forex if you are using a forex trading signal service because they will do the analysis and report the result for via email or text message (SMS). All you need to do is check the email or text message that they send which will only take 1 minute to do and then submit the orders from your trading platform. The latter will only take 5 minutes. So in total, you only need less than 10 minutes to trade forex per signal.
Q13: Can I leave my computer when I am trading?
A13: Honestly, you don't need to stay in front of your computer all day long to trade forex. There are trading methods that are suited for long term trader or medium term trader and those types of trading method do not require you to constantly monitor the market. Moreover, you can use internal function in the trading platform to alert you when price crossed the price you desired. There are also indicators that have built-in alert so you know when price reacts in a certain way calculated by the indicator.
Q14: Is there any proof that a homemaker ever succeeded in trading?
A14: Well, you won't be able to find out every single one of them on the net. The reason might be that they don't want to be known by the public or the media only hunt real life stories that can increase their media circulation (or attract traffic to their website). However, you will find a few of them if you search using Google. Just use the keyword housewives trading forex or any combination of similar keywords. There are popular stories around the net regarding homemakers succeeding in forex trading and the most popular of them is Ms. Torii from Japan.
Q15: Is there a good forex trading signal service that I can subscribe to?
A15: Absolutely. There are many forex trading signal services out there but in order to profit, you need to find the genuine one. Of course, it is not an easy task to find it because they all claim to have delivered profitable forex trading signals to many people. In all honesty not all of them can back their claim with real result. Moreover, subscribing to a genuine forex trading signal service alone will not guarantee that you will profit. There are certain things that you can do to optimize the result of your trading. You can go here if you want to read about it.
I hope you can find the answer that you are looking for but more importantly, I hope that the answers can remove your doubt so you can enter the world of opportunities and start making money from the forex market.
Q1: Is forex trading safe?
A1: Trading forex is of course safe. The reason is because today more and more country regulates forex market and they enforce strict rules that every forex broker must follow. As a result, we find that only the good brokers stay in the forex trading industry. On a personal level though, it is up to you to determine the safety of your account. If you trade recklessly then you will find that your capital will drain rapidly. Sometimes it is faster to lose money in forex trading than in casino. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself mentally and acquire lots and lots of knowledge or you can choose to go with hiring a good profitable trader and subscribe to his trading signal service. The latter is by far the faster, easier way to trade forex if you have limited or no knowledge about forex at all.
Q2: Can a homemaker succeed in forex trading?
A2: Of course, you can succeed in forex trading just like other trader. Everyone who trades forex have the same opportunity. In fact, homemakers have more potential to succeed because they have the most flexible schedule and needless to say, they have more time at their disposal than any other newcomer in forex trading. Homemakers usually develop the ability to do multitasking and this is the number one reason they can manage hectic days without a hitch. And actually, people can multitask forex trading if only they know how to do it. First of all, they need to find a genuine forex trading signal service and subscribe to it. Second, just do the things they usually do day in day out. Homemakers don't answer to any boss so they can use their time in any way they want and do the tasks however they want as long as the finish the tasks. This is why homemakers have the most potential to succeed if they know how to manage their abundant time.
Q3: Do I need to have experience in international finance to start trading forex?
A3: If you decided to trade forex with your own might then you need to go through the learning curve. However, if you join a trading signal service you don't need to have any experience in trading at all. This is why assisted trading is deemed the easiest way to participate in the forex market. Assisted trading is a term used to describe trading using the assistance of a trading signal service.
Q4: Can someone who only graduates from high school trade forex?
A4: This answer is of course, yes. All you need to do is to find good trader who consistently profit from the market and pay him to let you know what currency pair to trade, when to enter the market and when to exit. If you are humble enough to let someone professional help you then you are fine.
Q5: What do I need to become successful in forex trading?
A5: You need to have a strong commitment, willingness to learn things and diligently update your knowledge or information. Most people fail because they don't have a strong commitment from the start. Also, many people just don't have the right kind of information or knowledge.
Q6: Do I need to have a high-tech computer?
A6: Absolutely not. You don't need to have a computer that look like Star Trek or any other alien spaceship. A computer with 512 RAM, Pentium 4 2.67 Ghz, 80 Gb hard disk drive and windows xp is enough for you to be able to trade forex. However you need to know that it is important not to open multiple programs that consume a lot of resources from your computer or heavy program while you are trading forex. In nature, forex software such as Meta Trader 4 (commonly abbreviated as MT4) is very light and does not require computer with high specification.
Q7: Do I need to have a high-speed internet to trade forex?
A7: Well, it depends on what you mean by high-speed. Generally, an internet connection with 512 Kbps or more is already enough. It doesn't really matter whether your subscription is DSL or cable. However, you need at least 1 Mbps if you want to incorporate scalping method in your trading because some scalping methods require you to trade using a time frame lower than 1 minute. Moreover, scalpers usually trade during active trading hours (session overlaps or session open). Nonetheless, scalping is not a trading method anyone can use. Also, it is important to note that while trading using wi-fi is not prohibited it is far safer to trade using wired internet connection. The reason is because internet connection loss is rare if you are plugged with a cable rather than using wireless connection.
Q8: What is the best forex broker out there?
A8: Most of today's brokers are good because of the increasing number of regulations that swept the forex trading industry. The list is long but there are paths that you can follow to determine which broker is the best for you. You can choose to use a forex broker that has a presence in your own country because this will reduce the cost of transferring fund to and from your trading account. You can choose to use a broker outside of your country if you are looking for features that your domestic broker doesn't have such as higher leverage or the ability to hedge or trade CFDs. Lastly, you can choose to use a forex broker based on the spread they offer. For whatever trading conditions that you require in a forex broker you will most likely find the broker that will suit your need.
Q9: How much money do I need to have to start trading forex?
A9: The first thing you need to remember is forex trading is a business and as with any other business it requires a good business plan and enough capital to start. You have to keep reality in check and don't expect to enter the business with $250 and turn it to $1 million in a year. Sure, there are people who can make it but certainly not everyone. Generally, a sum of $10,000 is good to start with but many people usually start with as little as $5,000. 10% monthly return on a $10,000 account is $1,000 and it is $500 on a $5,000 account. Of course, with a solid trading plan, a good forex trading signal has the potential to drive more than 10% per month. However, consistency is what you should seek. If you can make 10% per month consistently you will see that your money will grow to a staggering $309,126.81 in 3 years. That's a growth of 3,091%. so as you can see, 10% is actually great over a span of 3 years. Stick to the goal of 10% per month and you'll reap the benefit in no time.
Q10: What is the best way to trade forex?
A10: To be brutally honest, the best way to trade forex is by subscribing to a forex trading signal service. Why? The reason is you still have full control of the account but you don't really need to do the entire task needed to be done in trading. This solution is the best because it is practical especially if you are new to forex trading and know little or nothing about forex trading. When you have more experience you can trade by yourself and in the long run, this is the best way to trade forex. However, it will take time to learn the ropes and build your confidence and gain experience. Moreover, you need to consider the costs that will incur by buying trading literatures. Overall, your costs will include time, effort and money. So the wise decision to make is to subscribe to a forex trading signal service first and learn how to trade forex properly at the same time.
Q11: How does a forex trading signal service works?
A11: The first step is you need to find the service provider that you believe can deliver strong and accurate trading signal. After that, you pay the fee upfront so you can use their service for the next 30 days. The next step is to get familiar with their service and choose the method of delivery for the trading signals. They will then alert you when a good trading opportunity surfaced. Finally, you need to enter the orders exactly as they send and you can stay away from your computer. You will be alerted if the market situation changes so you will be able to protect your profit or even maximize your profit.
Q12: How much time do I need to set aside everyday to trade forex?
A12: You don't really need to set that much time to trade forex if you are using a forex trading signal service because they will do the analysis and report the result for via email or text message (SMS). All you need to do is check the email or text message that they send which will only take 1 minute to do and then submit the orders from your trading platform. The latter will only take 5 minutes. So in total, you only need less than 10 minutes to trade forex per signal.
Q13: Can I leave my computer when I am trading?
A13: Honestly, you don't need to stay in front of your computer all day long to trade forex. There are trading methods that are suited for long term trader or medium term trader and those types of trading method do not require you to constantly monitor the market. Moreover, you can use internal function in the trading platform to alert you when price crossed the price you desired. There are also indicators that have built-in alert so you know when price reacts in a certain way calculated by the indicator.
Q14: Is there any proof that a homemaker ever succeeded in trading?
A14: Well, you won't be able to find out every single one of them on the net. The reason might be that they don't want to be known by the public or the media only hunt real life stories that can increase their media circulation (or attract traffic to their website). However, you will find a few of them if you search using Google. Just use the keyword housewives trading forex or any combination of similar keywords. There are popular stories around the net regarding homemakers succeeding in forex trading and the most popular of them is Ms. Torii from Japan.
Q15: Is there a good forex trading signal service that I can subscribe to?
A15: Absolutely. There are many forex trading signal services out there but in order to profit, you need to find the genuine one. Of course, it is not an easy task to find it because they all claim to have delivered profitable forex trading signals to many people. In all honesty not all of them can back their claim with real result. Moreover, subscribing to a genuine forex trading signal service alone will not guarantee that you will profit. There are certain things that you can do to optimize the result of your trading. You can go here if you want to read about it.
I hope you can find the answer that you are looking for but more importantly, I hope that the answers can remove your doubt so you can enter the world of opportunities and start making money from the forex market.
Surely, there are a lot more questions than those listed above. However, asking too many questions will not get you anywhere. So instead of asking questions you can use that energy in learning how to do this business properly reliable forex trading signal service. Ultimately only the doers will succeed in any business. So remove the doubt, give yourself a chance and take action forex trading signal service for homemaker because you have the potential to succeed in the trading world.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Online FOREX trading: Regaining public confidence
Kunle Adeyeri
Prior to this column debut, the public
opinion generally towards forex trading is nothing to write home about. I
could recollect how an editor of a business and entrepreneurship
magazine turned me down. His reason was that they have tried themselves
but people are losing money! My poser to him was that why are people
losing money? He apparently had no answer.
At the debut of this column on Friday 26
October, 2012 cynics and pessimists and those who had experienced
burnout in FOREX trading bombarded me with a lot mails and calls. Some
even said I belong to one of the trainers who are not traders. I remain
unmoved knowing it just a matter of time. As my campaign intensified
weekly on the column and also with ample time devoted to allaying fears
(proffering answers and solutions to calls, mails etc) the opinion began
Now as the third set of my three-month
program is mid-way and some short intensive courses two which I have had
in Lagos, the trainees have now become my evangelists as over seventy
per cent of them are trading profitably. The present formal class has
encouraged me to publish a book based on my method of teaching and
simplifying what they thought was a herculean task. Referrals from my
attendees are swelling. Over sixty per cent of my attendees so far are
those who had had unpalatable experience before, no thanks to bad
teaching from inexperienced trainers who are hardly traders and who rush
FOREX trading training in one day seminar.
In fact, the eagerness or urge to hit
the market again is boiling based on the assurance that FOREX trading is
worth living on and conviction seen on various real or live accounts I
trade profitably. The confidence has been instilled in them; hence their
opinion has tilted towards a favourable disposition.
I write this piece from the Garden City
and Oil City of Port Harcourt based on inspiration (not the article
intended for this week) from those my column have positively imparted on
those who are about to benefit as well, having transversed
Lagos-Abuja-Owerri and calling next on Benin City. The journey provided
the opportunity to see some of my online trainees and also prospective
investors who sought for meeting, putting voices and faces together.
Secondly are readers. Most have kept
mute following me every week. But as soon as I introduced market
analysis into the column they were forced to voice out. The opinion
again tilted. Most confessed that they were of the opinion I write to
fill a space. Even though they had faint faith in what I write weekly,
but the analysis sparked interest. Traders who have used the analysis to
generate profits confessed. I gave examples some weeks ago of just
three who made over 1000 pips which had never happened ever since they
have begun trading FOREX. Question from this community on my style
evoked interests.
Thirdly is what I group as the FOREX
traders community. The encomiums have begun to pour in from this
community. Appreciating the publishing house for giving us a forum.
Never mind what people say, there are a lot of traders in Nigeria and
many who want to be. They have just been waiting for this moment to have
the right person or persons to show them the way to profitable trading
strategies. Subscription and enquiries for market signals and analysis
it has swollen from this group.
The group of investors are not left out.
I have had confidently ninety five percent success since the column
debut. Of recent many have had to double their investments having seen
mouth watering returns traditional investment cannot give even in three
years in a short term. As I showcase to those who come to seek the truth
in my claims, with rising demand and pressure so also I gently raise
the bar.
This piece is not self chest beating
appraisal but to tell of an opportunity of window for knowledge,
investment and career for others. Unbelievably registration ahead for
the next three moth programme scheduled for to begin in the month of
August time is encouraging as registrants are jostling to have a seat in
the limited formal and online classes. The nationwide one week
intensive training tour for those outside my domain seems very positive
too as they are looking forward to the proposed dates. Some are even
asking me to shift the dates back as they cannot wait to share from this
I had to take a look back myself. It has
not been an easy task. It has been a bumpy road to profitable ways. I
am not a trader who cannot truthfully share his past. Hence when
readers, traders, trainees confront me with questions, they are or seem
satisfied with my answers. Now I do nothing else except FOREX trading
and all that surround it. Hence my gospel truth, for others to key into
this profession where vast opportunity is still green. Why not enrol for
the three month programme or the one-week short programme when it’s
your location turn. Now FX Pulp is backing the one-week nationwide
training to buttress the claim that windows of opportunities abound.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
How To Double Your Money Every Week Or Even Every Day…with Japanese Candlestick
Thank you, Mr. Steve Nison, for "discovering" the art of candlesticks!
A westerner by the name of Steve Nison "discovered" this secret technique called "Japanese candlesticks", learning it from a fellow Japanese broker. Steve researched, studied, lived, breathed, ate candlesticks, and began to write about it. Slowly, this secret technique grew in popularity in the 90s. To make a long story short, without Steve Nison, candlestick charts might have remained a buried secret. Steve Nison is Mr. Candlestick.
What is a Japanese Candlestick?
What is a Japanese Candlestick?
While we briefly covered candlestick charting analysis in the previous lesson, we'll now dig in a little and discuss them more in detail. Let's do a quick review first.What is Candlestick Trading?
Back in the day when Godzilla was still a cute little lizard, the Japanese created their own old school version of technical analysis to trade rice. That's right, rice.A westerner by the name of Steve Nison "discovered" this secret technique called "Japanese candlesticks", learning it from a fellow Japanese broker. Steve researched, studied, lived, breathed, ate candlesticks, and began to write about it. Slowly, this secret technique grew in popularity in the 90s. To make a long story short, without Steve Nison, candlestick charts might have remained a buried secret. Steve Nison is Mr. Candlestick.
Trading Okay, so what the heck are forex candlesticks?
The best way to explain is by using a picture:
Candlesticks are formed using the open, high, low, and close of the chosen time period.
Long bodies indicate strong buying or selling. The longer the body is, the more intense the buying or selling pressure. This means that either buyers or sellers were stronger and took control.
Short bodies imply very little buying or-selling activity. In street forex lingo, bulls mean buyers and bears mean sellers.
Long white candlesticks show strong buying pressure. The longer the
white candlestick, the further the close is above the open. This
indicates that prices increased considerably from open to close and
buyers were aggressive. In other words, the bulls are kicking the bears'
butts big time!
Long black (filled) candlesticks show strong selling pressure. The longer the black candlestick, the further the close is below the open. This indicates that prices fell a great deal from the open and sellers were aggressive. In other words, the bears were grabbing the bulls by their horns and body-slamming them.
Upper shadows signify the session high. Lower shadows signify the session low.
Candlesticks with long shadows show that trading action occurred well past the open and close.
Candlesticks with short shadows indicate that most of the trading action was confined near the open and close.
If a candlestick has a long upper shadow and short lower shadow,
this means that buyers flexed their muscles and bid prices higher, but
for one reason or another, sellers came in and drove prices back down to
end the session back near its open price.
If a candlestick has a long lower shadow and short upper shadow, this means that sellers flashed their washboard abs and forced price lower, but for one reason or another, buyers came in and drove prices back up to end the session back near its open price.
The pattern indicates the indecision between the buyers and sellers.
The small real body (whether hollow or filled) shows little movement
from open to close, and the shadows indicate that both buyers and
sellers were fighting but nobody could gain the upper hand.
Even though the session opened and closed with little change, prices moved significantly higher and lower in the meantime. Neither buyers nor sellers could gain the upper hand, and the result was a standoff.
If a spinning top forms during an uptrend, this usually means there aren't many buyers left and a possible reversal in direction could occur.
If a spinning top forms during a downtrend, this usually means there aren't many sellers left and a possible reversal in direction could occur.
A White Marubozu contains a long white body with no shadows. The open price equals the low price and the close price equals the high price.
This is a very bullish candle as it shows that buyers were in control
the entire session. It usually becomes the first part of a bullish
continuation or a bullish reversal pattern.
A Black Marubozu contains a long black body with no shadows. The open equals the high and the close equals the low. This is a very bearish candle as it shows that sellers controlled the price action the entire session. It usually implies bearish continuation or bearish reversal.
Doji candles suggest indecision or a struggle for turf positioning between buyers and sellers. Prices move above and below the open price during the session, but close at or very near the open price.
Neither buyers nor sellers were able to gain control and the result was essentially a draw.
There are four special types of Doji candlesticks. The length of the upper and lower shadows can vary and the resulting candlestick looks like a cross, inverted cross or plus sign. The word "Doji" refers to both the singular and plural form.
When a Doji forms on your chart, pay special attention to the preceding candlesticks.
If a Doji forms after a series of candlesticks with long hollow bodies (like White Marubozus), the Doji signals that the buyers are becoming exhausted and weakening. In order for price to continue rising, more buyers are needed but there aren't anymore! Sellers are licking their chops and are looking to come in and drive the price back down.
If a Doji forms after a series of candlesticks with long filled bodies (like Black Marubozus), the Doji signals that sellers are becoming exhausted and weak. In order for price to continue falling, more sellers are needed but sellers are all tapped out! Buyers are foaming in the mouth for a chance to get in cheap.
While the decline is sputtering due to lack of new sellers, further
buying strength is required to confirm any reversal. Look for a white
candlestick to close above the long black candlestick's open.
In the next following sections, we will take a look at specific candlestick formations and what they are telling us. Hopefully, by the end of this lesson on candlesticks, you would know how to recognize candlestick patterns and make sound trading decisions based on them.
The hammer is a bullish reversal pattern that forms during a downtrend. It is named because the market is hammering out a bottom.
When price is falling, hammers signal that the bottom is near and price will start rising again. The long lower shadow indicates that sellers pushed prices lower, but buyers were able to overcome this selling pressure and closed near the open.
Just because you see a hammer form in a downtrend doesn't mean you automatically place a buy order! More bullish confirmation is needed before it's safe to pull the trigger.
A typical example of confirmation would be to wait for a white candlestick to close above the open to the right side of the hammer.
Recognition Criteria:
The long lower shadow shows that sellers pushed prices lower during the session. Buyers were able to push the price back up some but only near the open.
This should set off alarms since this tells us that there are no buyers left to provide the necessary momentum to keep raising the price.
Recognition Criteria:
The inverted hammer occurs when price has been
falling suggests the possibility of a reversal. Its long upper shadow
shows that buyers tried to bid the price higher.
However, sellers saw what the buyers were doing, said "Oh heck no" and attempted to push the price back down.
Fortunately, the buyers had eaten enough of their Wheaties for breakfast and still managed to close the session near the open.
Since the sellers weren't able to close the price any lower, this is a good indication that everybody who wants to sell has already sold. And if there are no more sellers, who is left? Buyers.
The shooting star is a bearish reversal pattern that looks identical to the inverted hammer but occurs when price has been rising. Its shape indicates that the price opened at its low, rallied, but pulled back to the bottom.
This means that buyers attempted to push the price up, but sellers came in and overpowered them. This is a definite bearish sign since there are no more buyers left because they've all been murdered.
The bullish engulfing pattern is a two candle stick pattern that signals a strong up move may be coming. It happens when a bearish candle is immediately followed by a larger bullish candle.
This second candle "engulfs" the bearish candle. This means buyers are flexing their muscles and that there could be a strong up move after a recent downtrend or a period of consolidation.
On the other hand, the bearish engulfing pattern is the opposite of the bullish pattern. This type of pattern occurs when bullish candle is immediately followed by a bearish candle that completely "engulfs" it. This means that sellers overpowered the buyers and that a strong move down could happen.
Notice how the candlestick formation looks just like a pair of tweezers!
The most effective tweezers have the following characteristics:
The morning star and the evening star are triple candlestick patterns
that you can usually find at the end of a trend. They are reversal
patterns that can be recognized through these three characteristics:
The three white soldiers pattern is formed when
three long bullish candles follow a downtrend, signaling a reversal has
occurred. This type of candlestick pattern is considered as one of the
most potent in-yo-face bullish signals, especially when it occurs after
an extended downtrend and a short period of consolidation.
The first of the three soldiers is called the reversal candle. It either ends the downtrend or implies that the period of consolidation that followed the downtrend is over.
For the pattern to be considered valid, the second candle should be bigger than the previous candle's body. Also, the second candle should close near its high, leaving a small or non-existent upper wick.
For the three white soldiers pattern to be completed, the last candle should be at least the same size as the second candle and have a small or no shadow.
The three black crows candlestick pattern is just the opposite of the three white soldiers. It is formed when three bearish candles follow a strong uptrend, indicating that a reversal is in the works.
The second candle's body should be bigger than the first candle and should close at or very near its low. Finally, the third candle should be the same size or larger than the second candle's body with a very short or no lower shadow.
The three inside up candlestick formation is a
trend-reversal pattern that is found at the bottom of a downtrend. It
indicates that the downtrend is possibly over and that a new uptrend has
started. For a valid three inside up candlestick formation, look for
these properties:
- If the close is above the open, then a hollow candlestick (usually displayed as white) is drawn.
- If the close is below the open, then a filled candlestick (usually displayed as black) is drawn.
- The hollow or filled section of the candlestick is called the "real body" or body.
- The thin lines poking above and below the body display the high/low range and are called shadows.
- The top of the upper shadow is the "high".
- The bottom of the lower shadow is the "low".
Sexy Bodies and Strange Shadows
Sexy Bodies
Just like humans, candlesticks have different body sizes. And when it comes to forex trading, there's nothing naughtier than checking out the bodies of candlesticks!Long bodies indicate strong buying or selling. The longer the body is, the more intense the buying or selling pressure. This means that either buyers or sellers were stronger and took control.
Short bodies imply very little buying or-selling activity. In street forex lingo, bulls mean buyers and bears mean sellers.
Long black (filled) candlesticks show strong selling pressure. The longer the black candlestick, the further the close is below the open. This indicates that prices fell a great deal from the open and sellers were aggressive. In other words, the bears were grabbing the bulls by their horns and body-slamming them.
Mysterious Shadows
The upper and lower shadows on candlesticks provide important clues about the trading session.Upper shadows signify the session high. Lower shadows signify the session low.
Candlesticks with long shadows show that trading action occurred well past the open and close.
Candlesticks with short shadows indicate that most of the trading action was confined near the open and close.
If a candlestick has a long lower shadow and short upper shadow, this means that sellers flashed their washboard abs and forced price lower, but for one reason or another, buyers came in and drove prices back up to end the session back near its open price.
Basic Candlestick Patterns
Spinning Tops
Candlesticks with a long upper shadow, long lower shadow and small real bodies are called spinning tops. The color of the real body is not very important.The pattern indicates the indecision between the buyers and sellers.
Even though the session opened and closed with little change, prices moved significantly higher and lower in the meantime. Neither buyers nor sellers could gain the upper hand, and the result was a standoff.
If a spinning top forms during an uptrend, this usually means there aren't many buyers left and a possible reversal in direction could occur.
If a spinning top forms during a downtrend, this usually means there aren't many sellers left and a possible reversal in direction could occur.
Sounds like some kind of voodoo magic, huh? "I will cast the evil spell of the Marubozu on you!" Fortunately, that's not what it means. Marubozu means there are no shadows from the bodies. Depending on whether the candlestick's body is filled or hollow, the high and low are the same as its open or close. Check out the two types of Marubozus in the picture below.A Black Marubozu contains a long black body with no shadows. The open equals the high and the close equals the low. This is a very bearish candle as it shows that sellers controlled the price action the entire session. It usually implies bearish continuation or bearish reversal.
Doji candlesticks have the same open and close price or at least their bodies are extremely short. A doji should have a very small body that appears as a thin line.Doji candles suggest indecision or a struggle for turf positioning between buyers and sellers. Prices move above and below the open price during the session, but close at or very near the open price.
Neither buyers nor sellers were able to gain control and the result was essentially a draw.
There are four special types of Doji candlesticks. The length of the upper and lower shadows can vary and the resulting candlestick looks like a cross, inverted cross or plus sign. The word "Doji" refers to both the singular and plural form.
If a Doji forms after a series of candlesticks with long hollow bodies (like White Marubozus), the Doji signals that the buyers are becoming exhausted and weakening. In order for price to continue rising, more buyers are needed but there aren't anymore! Sellers are licking their chops and are looking to come in and drive the price back down.
If a Doji forms after a series of candlesticks with long filled bodies (like Black Marubozus), the Doji signals that sellers are becoming exhausted and weak. In order for price to continue falling, more sellers are needed but sellers are all tapped out! Buyers are foaming in the mouth for a chance to get in cheap.
In the next following sections, we will take a look at specific candlestick formations and what they are telling us. Hopefully, by the end of this lesson on candlesticks, you would know how to recognize candlestick patterns and make sound trading decisions based on them.
Lone Rangers - Single Candlestick Patterns
Hammer and Hanging Man
The hammer and hanging man look exactly alike but have totally different meanings depending on past price action. Both have cute little bodies (black or white), long lower shadows, and short or absent upper shadows.When price is falling, hammers signal that the bottom is near and price will start rising again. The long lower shadow indicates that sellers pushed prices lower, but buyers were able to overcome this selling pressure and closed near the open.
Just because you see a hammer form in a downtrend doesn't mean you automatically place a buy order! More bullish confirmation is needed before it's safe to pull the trigger.
A typical example of confirmation would be to wait for a white candlestick to close above the open to the right side of the hammer.
Recognition Criteria:
- The long shadow is about two or three times of the real body.
- Little or no upper shadow.
- The real body is at the upper end of the trading range.
- The color of the real body is not important.
The long lower shadow shows that sellers pushed prices lower during the session. Buyers were able to push the price back up some but only near the open.
This should set off alarms since this tells us that there are no buyers left to provide the necessary momentum to keep raising the price.
Recognition Criteria:
- A long lower shadow which is about two or three times of the real body.
- Little or no upper shadow.
- The real body is at the upper end of the trading range.
- The color of the body is not important, though a black body is more bearish than a white body.
Inverted Hammer and Shooting Star
The inverted hammer and shooting star also look identical. The only difference between them is whether you're in a downtrend or uptrend. Both candlesticks have petite little bodies (filled or hollow), long upper shadows, and small or absent lower shadows.However, sellers saw what the buyers were doing, said "Oh heck no" and attempted to push the price back down.
Fortunately, the buyers had eaten enough of their Wheaties for breakfast and still managed to close the session near the open.
Since the sellers weren't able to close the price any lower, this is a good indication that everybody who wants to sell has already sold. And if there are no more sellers, who is left? Buyers.
The shooting star is a bearish reversal pattern that looks identical to the inverted hammer but occurs when price has been rising. Its shape indicates that the price opened at its low, rallied, but pulled back to the bottom.
This means that buyers attempted to push the price up, but sellers came in and overpowered them. This is a definite bearish sign since there are no more buyers left because they've all been murdered.
Double Trouble - Dual Candlestick Patterns
Engulfing Candles
The bullish engulfing pattern is a two candle stick pattern that signals a strong up move may be coming. It happens when a bearish candle is immediately followed by a larger bullish candle.
This second candle "engulfs" the bearish candle. This means buyers are flexing their muscles and that there could be a strong up move after a recent downtrend or a period of consolidation.
On the other hand, the bearish engulfing pattern is the opposite of the bullish pattern. This type of pattern occurs when bullish candle is immediately followed by a bearish candle that completely "engulfs" it. This means that sellers overpowered the buyers and that a strong move down could happen.
Tweezer Bottoms and Tops
The tweezers are dual candlestick reversal patterns. This type of candlestick pattern could usually be spotted after an extended up trend or downtrend, indicating that a reversal will soon occur.Notice how the candlestick formation looks just like a pair of tweezers!
The most effective tweezers have the following characteristics:
- The first candle is the same as the overall trend. If price is moving up, then the first candle should be bullish.
- The second candle is opposite the overall trend. If price is moving up, then the second candle should be bearish.
- The shadows of the candles should be of equal length. Tweezer tops should have the same highs, while tweezer bottoms should have the same lows.
Three's Not A Crowd - Triple Candlestick Patterns
Evening and Morning Stars
- The first stick is a bullish candle, which is part of a recent uptrend.
- The second candle has a small body, indicating that there could be some indecision in the market. This candle can be either bullish or bearish.
- The third candle acts as a confirmation that a reversal is in place, as the candle closes beyond the midpoint of the first candle.
Three White Soldiers and Black Crows
The first of the three soldiers is called the reversal candle. It either ends the downtrend or implies that the period of consolidation that followed the downtrend is over.
For the pattern to be considered valid, the second candle should be bigger than the previous candle's body. Also, the second candle should close near its high, leaving a small or non-existent upper wick.
For the three white soldiers pattern to be completed, the last candle should be at least the same size as the second candle and have a small or no shadow.
The three black crows candlestick pattern is just the opposite of the three white soldiers. It is formed when three bearish candles follow a strong uptrend, indicating that a reversal is in the works.
The second candle's body should be bigger than the first candle and should close at or very near its low. Finally, the third candle should be the same size or larger than the second candle's body with a very short or no lower shadow.
Three Inside Up and Down
- The first candle should be found at the bottom of a downtrend and is characterized by a long bearish candlestick.
- The second candle should at least make it up all the way up to the midpoint of the first candle.
- The third candle needs to close above the first candle's high to confirm that buyers have overpowered the strength of the downtrend.
- The first candle should be found at the top of an uptrend and is characterized by a long bullish candlestick.
- The second candle should make it up all the way down the midpoint of the first candle.
- The third candle needs to close below the first candle's low to confirm that sellers have overpowered the strength of the uptrend.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Forex Scalping Indicators MT4
James T Taylor
The Forex Scalping Indicators MT4 is particularly intended to
help analyze short-term price fluctuations. It is one of the most
extensively used by many active traders in the market for the Meta
Trader platform. For the long-term investors, the scalping indicator can
help determine good points to enter or exit by helping in speculating
on future price levels or trends through the proper evaluation of past
The Meta Trader 4 is a Forex indicator developed using the MQL4 programming language. It can be used to create manual Forex trading strategies. Meta Trader 4 indicators can be categorized into several groups - general purpose, multi- time frame, divergence, statistical, and free foreign exchange indicators. These can be downloaded online which will give you an opportunity to test them before actual deployment on the Meta Trader platform. Additional alerts for the MT4 indicator can be put in place including email, sound, and pop-up alerts.
Choosing the Right Forex Scalping Indicators
There are several factors that need to be considered when selecting the appropriate Forex scalping indicators MT4 to use. For one, divergence indicators tend to be most accurate in flat Forex markets just like other oscillators. They are therefore advisable to use with MT4 indicators when determining the possible direction the Forex market will go. There are also specific indicators that work best with MT4 for various purposes such as Forex scalping, intraday trading, and even for long-term Forex trading strategies.
A good idea is to evaluate various Forex indicators from different sources and try them out on the Meta Trader platform. Using several divergence indicators in combination with the indicators of Forex market tendencies can help clear up an enter signal and make it possible to secure a good position in a trending market.
The Benefits of Meta Trader 4 Indicators
One good thing about these MT4 indicators is that they come with source code in MQ4 file format. This means you can break it down and manually analyze what it is supposed to do, and make adjustments when necessary. Likewise, the Forex scalping indicators have been tested by experienced professional Forex traders. The indicators are not rehashed and they employ proven mathematical algorithms in the program. Additional alerts are also available and can easily be installed if required.
The Forex Scalping Strategy
A lot of trades last for only a few minutes, less than a minute even in some cases, and the targets are normally from 5 to 15 pips. The idea is to get in and out with some profits whenever possible, and to immediately get out of bad positions to prepare for future trades. Experienced day traders who use a relatively longer time frame use the same Forex scalping indicators MT4 in their trading strategy. This is because it is easy to use and does not present too many complications which is a good thing as you do not intend to stay long in the trading market for long periods at a time. This way, you will be able to optimize gains while at the same time minimize your losses from losing trades.
The Meta Trader 4 is a Forex indicator developed using the MQL4 programming language. It can be used to create manual Forex trading strategies. Meta Trader 4 indicators can be categorized into several groups - general purpose, multi- time frame, divergence, statistical, and free foreign exchange indicators. These can be downloaded online which will give you an opportunity to test them before actual deployment on the Meta Trader platform. Additional alerts for the MT4 indicator can be put in place including email, sound, and pop-up alerts.
Choosing the Right Forex Scalping Indicators
There are several factors that need to be considered when selecting the appropriate Forex scalping indicators MT4 to use. For one, divergence indicators tend to be most accurate in flat Forex markets just like other oscillators. They are therefore advisable to use with MT4 indicators when determining the possible direction the Forex market will go. There are also specific indicators that work best with MT4 for various purposes such as Forex scalping, intraday trading, and even for long-term Forex trading strategies.
A good idea is to evaluate various Forex indicators from different sources and try them out on the Meta Trader platform. Using several divergence indicators in combination with the indicators of Forex market tendencies can help clear up an enter signal and make it possible to secure a good position in a trending market.
The Benefits of Meta Trader 4 Indicators
One good thing about these MT4 indicators is that they come with source code in MQ4 file format. This means you can break it down and manually analyze what it is supposed to do, and make adjustments when necessary. Likewise, the Forex scalping indicators have been tested by experienced professional Forex traders. The indicators are not rehashed and they employ proven mathematical algorithms in the program. Additional alerts are also available and can easily be installed if required.
The Forex Scalping Strategy
A lot of trades last for only a few minutes, less than a minute even in some cases, and the targets are normally from 5 to 15 pips. The idea is to get in and out with some profits whenever possible, and to immediately get out of bad positions to prepare for future trades. Experienced day traders who use a relatively longer time frame use the same Forex scalping indicators MT4 in their trading strategy. This is because it is easy to use and does not present too many complications which is a good thing as you do not intend to stay long in the trading market for long periods at a time. This way, you will be able to optimize gains while at the same time minimize your losses from losing trades.
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